SSL Lifecycle (EOL)

Below you can find the life cycle for each version of protocol SSL, like SSL 3.0 (RFC 7568), including release dates and end of life (EOL) dates.

Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), which is now deprecated by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) – is a cryptographic protocol that provides communications security over a computer network. Several versions of the protocol find widespread use in applications such as web browsing, email, instant messaging, and voice over IP (VoIP). Websites are able to use SSL to secure all communications between their servers and web browsers.



Internet Engineering Taskforce (IETF)

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All releases

Release Codename Release date End of life
SSL 3.0RFC 7568January, 1996November, 2018
SSL 2.0RFC 6176February, 1995June, 2018
SSL 1.0January, 1994June, 2018